Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Half way through

I told myself that I would post every day that I run. Well, that didn't happen. I am half way through my C-5k training program. Ryan is still the best coach ever! This is getting harder not easier. I am running in 5 minute segments with walking in between. I still think I am going to die! Now the hard part starts. He is trying to get me to go faster. I can't even finish! I have not quit and really have finished each workout. It is just so damn painful. I am waiting for it to be either easier or at least fun. It seems like I can't break through! I have however lost about 5 pounds. I am following the RAVE diet. It is pretty restrictive. I am taking it one day at a time. I don't know how long I can follow it strictly but for now it feels like this is what my body needs. I have not given up ad I am determined to finish! I just keep thinking.....Why NOT me?