Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Chunky Monkey

Quick stats. 46.? minutes. Nee to get better. Will keep training.

C to 5K

I am training with a C to 5K program. It starts with 30 second runs with 90 second walks in between. It works you up to being able to run a 5K in around 30 minutes. It is a 9 week program. I am training with my 18 year old son who is my coach. He is amazing, not so patient all of the time but he hasn't given up on me yet.

 Have I mentioned that running sucks? I hurt. I am tired and my husband said that he thought that I was getting smaller........In the boobs! Great! That's like the last place I want to loose weight. NOT the first. BTW, the scale has not moved. If anything I might have gained a pound! I have been getting up about 6:00am every morning to run. I wake Ryan up and brush my teeth. Throw on my running cloths and my new best friends. My running shoes. We drive a short way to the river and run along the ditch bank. He pushes me and I try to give up just short of finishing every time. I make him crazy. I am sure of it. I am writing this so a month from now when I can run a little easier and I am a few pounds lighter I can remember that this is where I started. I can't see the day that this gets easier but I know it's out there. Everyone else can do this.....Why NOT me?

Monday, July 9, 2012


Today is day two of training. My very lucky 18 year old son volunteered to be my trainer. He is a very good trainer. I have discovered that there is a fine line between a good trainer and a good liar! "Go mom. You're doing great! You are improving so much!" (Did I say it was day two?) OK so I might not be improving but I am still standing! We jogged/walked intervals for about 30 minutes then walked back to the car for 30 minutes. Then I went to the mall and old-lady walked before the mall opened with a friend for 2 miles. I think I clocked about 6 miles this morning. I am encouraged to keep going. I just keep saying "Why NOT me?
I will keep you posted....Just registered for a 5K scheduled for this Sunday. Who could pass up the Chunky Monkey? It has ice cream at the end. Almost anything with ice cream at the end is worth doing!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Why NOT me?

So here goes. The other day I decided to get off the couch and start training for a half marathon. No, I'm not kidding. I need to lose at least 30 pounds. I have never run before and I really don't think I will love it any time soon. I have seen people on TV or in magazines that have lost weight and started running. I never thought it could or would be me. Then I started asking myself WHY NOT ME? Why can't I do this? Why shouldn't I try? Why have I given up before I started trying? I have done difficult things before. I have lost weight before. Am I really any less successful than anyone else? No. In fact I am more successful at some things than other people. I am motivated when I want to be. I can be driven to get things done. Why not this? Because I never have before. I am not athletic, or fast, or skinny or strong. Because I have never let myself be! Well, here's to a new beginning. Here is where it starts. Why not me?