Tuesday, July 17, 2012

C to 5K

I am training with a C to 5K program. It starts with 30 second runs with 90 second walks in between. It works you up to being able to run a 5K in around 30 minutes. It is a 9 week program. I am training with my 18 year old son who is my coach. He is amazing, not so patient all of the time but he hasn't given up on me yet.

 Have I mentioned that running sucks? I hurt. I am tired and my husband said that he thought that I was getting smaller........In the boobs! Great! That's like the last place I want to loose weight. NOT the first. BTW, the scale has not moved. If anything I might have gained a pound! I have been getting up about 6:00am every morning to run. I wake Ryan up and brush my teeth. Throw on my running cloths and my new best friends. My running shoes. We drive a short way to the river and run along the ditch bank. He pushes me and I try to give up just short of finishing every time. I make him crazy. I am sure of it. I am writing this so a month from now when I can run a little easier and I am a few pounds lighter I can remember that this is where I started. I can't see the day that this gets easier but I know it's out there. Everyone else can do this.....Why NOT me?

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